Woima Corporation

22 levels of wasteWOIMA® flexibility – Introduction


The wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant is one of the most efficient, versatile, flexible and adaptable power plants in the world. It offers several benefits and advantages to all stakeholders, including the environment. Investors, waste management companies, power generation entities and local population alike are the beneficiaries of increased energy generation, reduced waste-landfilling and cleaner environment.

The wasteWOIMA® power plant is the “heart and soul” of the WOIMA Ecosystem that embraces the opportunities created by society’s different waste streams. It ensures that all the waste can be recycled as raw material, transformed into energy or otherwise mitigated. The usable waste streams include municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial, commercial and institutional waste (ICI), agricultural waste (AW), construction and demolition waste (CDW), as well as different types of toxic waste including hospital waste.

The flexible nature of the wasteWOIMA® power plant can be divided into three categories.

1. Design-based flexibility

2. Operational flexibility

3. Business model flexibility

Combined the above-mentioned flexibilities create a unique and transcending business opportunity that benefit all stakeholders simultaneously.

Follow our blog series “22 levels of wasteWOIMA® flexibility” to find out more about how these flexibilities can help You realize Your waste-to-value project.

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WOIMA Corporation is a Finnish supplier of best-in-class waste-to-value products, projects and services worldwide. We have developed solutions that enable us, and the customer, to transform and recycle virtually any waste stream into raw materials and energy.  At WOIMA we combine Finnish engineering know-how in waste management with power generation design expertise. These solutions are used in Finland every day. They support the circular economy ideology and ensure that less than 1% of Finland’s waste ends up in landfills.

Our mission is to improve quality of life both locally and globally, as well as empower people to utilize waste as a commodity. Our decades of international project management experience ensure an on-time, in-budget and high-quality WOIMA solution delivery across the globe.

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