22 levels of wasteWOIMA® flexibility - Transportability
The wasteWOIMA® power plant comprises of pre-designed and pre-fabricated modules that either are standard 20- or 40-foot sea containers or fit onto standard flat racks enabling their easy transportation as sea freight, via rail or on trucks. All the power plant materials and equipment are fixe...
Sisu and sauna. Those two Finnish words that can be found in an English dictionary and those define Finnish mentality and national character. Sisu means determination in the face of adversity. Sisu is a combination of courage, perseverance, extreme persistence and initiative that is strong enough to defy the elements. In Finland, Sisu runs in our blood.
Sisu is one of the WOIMA Corporation values and this value is part of everything we do. At WOIMA we use sisu every single day. We push our bo...
Culture which sets us apart
Woima Corporation aspires to improve quality of life both locally and globally, as well as empower people to utilize waste as a commodity. We have developed solutions to reach these goals
WOIMA Ecosystem solutions mitigate landfill methane emissions by controlled use of methane in power generation, which cuts down on the use, or even replaces fossil fuels. This is our response to the challenges posed by landfill methane gas. It is time to present WOIMA Ecosystem – Negative Carbon Footpri...
Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India with an estimated city population of 12.4 million. Along with the neighboring regions of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, it is the second most populous metropolitan area in India, with a population of 21.3 million over an area of 4,400 km2. Mumbai lies on the Konkan coast on the west coast of India and has a deep natural harbor. It is also the wealthiest city...
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® está basada en una ideología WOIMAline (tren motriz), donde la WOIMAline de 15MW es la unidad estándar de generación de energía. Plantas WOIMA más grandes incluyen dos o más WOIMAlines y generan la energía correspondiente; dos WOIMAlines para 30MW, tres WOIMAlines para 45MW, etc. Las WOIMAlines pueden construirse simultáneamente o una por una, dependiendo de las preferencias del ...
22 levels of wasteWOIMA® flexibility - Scalability
The wasteWOIMA® power plant is based on a WOIMAline (powertrain) ideology, where the 15MW WOIMAline is the standard power generation unit. Larger WOIMA power plants comprise of two or more WOIMAlines and deliver the corresponding power; two WOIMAlines for 30MW, three WOIMAlines for 45MW etc. The WOIMAlines can be constructed simultaneously or one-by-one, base...
L'High Coast in Svezia e l'arcipelago di Kvarken in Finlandia sono situati ai lati opposti del Golfo di Bothnia, nella parte settentrionale del Mar Baltico. Questa è la vasta area di 3.500 km2 (di cui circa 1.000 km2 sono terrestri) dove l'altezza si incontra con il basso; lo scenario collinare della High Coast con isole alte, coste scoscese, scogliere levigate e insenature profonde è in completo contrasto con l'arcipelago di Kvarken con le sue migliaia di isole basse, ...
La Haute Côte en Suède et l'Archipel de Kvarken en Finlande sont situés de part et d'autre du golfe de Botnie, dans la partie nord de la mer Baltique. Cette vaste zone de 3500 km2 (dont environ 1000 km2 sont de type terrestre) est le lieu où le haut rencontre le plus bas. Le paysage vallonné de la Haute-Côte avec ses îles hautes, ses rives abruptes, ses falaises lisses et ses anses profondes contraste avec l’Archipel de Kvarken avec ses milliers d’îles basses, ses baies pe...