Woima Corporation


New Use case around waste reduction as a service with wasteWOIMA® power plant published.

The world is drowning in waste. This is especially true in urban areas that are growing faster than waste management can keep up. Landfills and dumpsites are overflowing, streets and gutters are filling with waste, and the city-dwellers are suffering the ill effects of waste-related odors and diseases.

A modern wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant can simultaneously reduce the waste quantity by over 95% and generate enough power to finance the waste management activities.

Please download the latest solution for Waste Reduction as a Service.



Waste Reduction as a Service (WRaaS) is a novel concept, where an investor Builds, Owns and Operates (BOO) the wasteWOIMA® power plant for a period of time, typically 5 to 15 years, in order to relieve the municipality’s waste challenges.

During this period, the plant can incinerate either newly collected or already landfilled waste to energy, or both. The wasteWOIMA® power plant has several levels of flexibility, one of them being its ability to generate several different types of energy commodities.

Maximizing the wasteWOIMA® power plant’s power generation capacity means utilizing most of the energy in heating or cooling or directly into electricity.


Please find the latest solution for Waste Reduction as a Service.


Consult us for total solution, please get in touch with.

Henri Kinnunen

+358 40 835 8974

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