WOIMA aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources



The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Throughout history, oceans and seas have been vital conduits for trade and transportation.

Oceans provide key natural resources including food, medicines, biofuels and other products. They help with the breakdown and removal of waste and pollution, and their coastal ecosystems act as buffers to reduce damage from storms. Maintaining healthy oceans supports climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Seaside is also a great place for tourism and recreation.

Even more, Marine Protected Areas contribute to poverty reduction by increasing fish catches and income and improving health. They also help improve gender equality, as women do much of the work at small-scale fisheries. Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future.

  • Oceans cover three quarters of the Earth’s surface, contain 97% of the Earth’s water, and represent 99% of the living space on the planet by volume
  • Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods
  • Globally, the market value of marine and coastal resources and industries is estimated at $3 trillion per year or about 5% of global GDP
  • Oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming
  • Oceans serve as the world’s largest source of protein, with more than 3 billion people depending on the oceans as their primary source of protein
  • Marine fisheries directly or indirectly employ over 200 million people
  • As much as 40% of the world oceans are heavily affected by human activities, including pollution, depleted fisheries, and loss of coastal habitats

WOIMA is committed to helping the developing countries to sustainably use the oceans. The tool is our modular wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant that will

  • incinerate cleanly the waste of 100,000 – 500,000 people
  • generate affordable energy for 50,000 – 100,000 people
  • employ 100 – 200 people
  • generate hundreds of jobs and training opportunities up- and downstream
  • save 100,000 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions per year
  • be up and running within 12 months

UN has set the following targets by 2030, supported by WOIMA and our modular wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant

  • Prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
  • Sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
  • Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
  • Effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices
  • Prohibit fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
  • Conserve at least 10% of coastal and marine areas
  • Increase the economic benefits from the sustainable use of marine resources, including sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
  • Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries
  • Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets

Read more about the UN SDGs at


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