22 niveles de flexibilidad wasteWOIMA® – Adaptabilidad de ubicación

El diseño de la planta de energía wasteWOIMA® aborda los a veces complejos requerimientos establecidos por los retos ambientales. Estos consisten en, por ejemplo, condiciones ambientales (temperatura, humedad y precipitaciones), cargas de viento y actividad sísmica. La integridad estructural y operacional de la planta puede soportar cualquier estrés ambiental que se presente. La robusta estructura de acero de la planta absorbe estas fuerzas externas y las transfiere haci...
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22 levels of wasteWOIMA® Flexibility – Location Suitability

The wasteWOIMA® power plant design addresses the sometimes complex requirements set forth by varying environmental conditions and challenges. These consist of e.g. ambient conditions (temperature, humidity and rainfall), wind load and seismic activity. The structural and operational integrity of the plant can withstand all the stress posed on it by the environment. These external forces are absorbed by
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WOIMA strengthens its Board of Directors

WOIMA Press Release 16 January 2020 WOIMA Finland Oy is proud to announce a new Board Member. Andreas Back brings valuable global power project development and project financing experience to WOIMA’s Board of Directors.
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NOYADE DANS LES DECHETS – Cas de Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la Zambie. L'une des villes les plus développées d'Afrique australe, Lusaka se situe dans la partie sud de la région centrale. La ville compte environ 2,5 millions d'habitants dans la région métropolitaine. Lusaka est le centre du commerce et du gouvernement en Zambie et est reliée aux quatre principales autoroutes du pays, qui se dirigent vers le nord, le sud, l'est et l'ouest. Les habitants de Lusaka viennent de tous les 70 tribus environ...
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Drowning in Waste – Case Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka is the capital and largest city of Zambia and one of the fastest developing cities in Southern Africa. The city's population is about 2.5 million in the metropolitan area. Lusaka is the center of both commerce and government in Zambia and connects to the country's four main highways heading north, south, east and west. The residents of Lusaka come from all of Zambia's 70 or so tribes, and there are also small communities of Asians and Europeans.
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22 niveles de flexibilidad wasteWOIMA® – Flexibilidad de combustible

La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® ha sido diseñada para utilizar principalmente residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) no-tóxicos. Sin embargo, pueden utilizarse también otros tipos de residuos generados por la sociedad como lo son los combustibles de desecho refinados (REF, RDF, SRF), residuos industriales y comerciales (RIC), residuos agrícolas (RA) y los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD), así como distintas biomasas. Incluso desechos tóxicos en pequeñas cantid...
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22 levels of wasteWOIMA® Flexibility – Fuel Flexibility

The wasteWOIMA® power plant has been designed to utilize primarily non-toxic municipal solid waste (MSW) streams. However, other waste streams that societies generate can also be used, such as refined waste fuels (REF, RDF, SRF), industrial, commercial and institutional waste (ICI), construction and demolition waste (CDW), agricultural waste (AW) and different biomasses. Even small quantities of toxic wastes, such as hospital and industrial waste can be mixed in the waste st...
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