Drowning in Waste – Case Saint Martin

Saint Martin is an island in the northeast Caribbean Sea, approximately 300 km east of Puerto Rico. The 87-square-kilometre island is divided roughly 60/40 between the French Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands but the two parts are roughly equal in population with total population around 80,000. Curiously, this is the only border between France and the Netherlands. The main industry of the island is tourism and the island has about one million visitors annually. About 85% of the workfor...
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22 niveles de flexibilidad wasteWOIMA® – Productividad de energía híbrida

La wasteWOIMA® es una planta de energía de carga base que genera energía 24/7, fuera de los paros por mantenimiento. La carga base es necesaria para asegurar la transmisión y distribución de energía de forma confiable. La planta se integra fácilmente con soluciones de generación de energía intermitente como lo son la energía solar fotovoltaica y la eólica. Los edificios de recepción y pretratamiento de residuos ofrecen una excelente plataforma de instalación para...
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22 levels of wasteWOIMA® Flexibility – Hybrid Energy Productivity

The wasteWOIMA® is a base-load power plant delivering constant power 24/7, apart from the maintenance breaks. The base-load power is necessary in ensuring reliable power transmission and distribution. The plant both supports and integrates easily with intermittent power generation solutions such as solar PV and w...
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Ahogándonos en basura – Caso Manila, Filipinas

Manila es la capital de Filipinas y la ciudad con mayor densidad de población en el mundo con 71,263 habitantes por kilómetro cuadrado (2019). La ciudad está ubicada en la costa Este de la bahía de Manila. El Río Pásig pasa por la ciudad, dividiéndola entre las secciones norte y sur. El término “Manila” es comúnmente usado para referirse a toda la zona metropolitana de la ciudad. La zona metropolitana oficialmente definida, llamada Gran Manila, región capital de las Filipinas, incl...
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Drowning in Waste – Case Manila, the Philippines

Manila is the capital of the Philippines and the most densely populated city proper, with 71,263 people per square kilometer, in the world as of 2019. The city is located on the eastern shores of Manila Bay. The Pasig River flows through the middle of the city, dividing it into the north and south sections. The term "Manila" is commonly used to refer to the whole metropolitan area, the greater metropolitan area or the city proper. The officially defined metropolitan area called Metro Manila, the...
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