The updated wasteWOIMA® CCUS Zero Carbon Emission WtE Power Plant

The wasteWOIMA® CCUS Zero Carbon Emission WtE Power Plant is WOIMA’s answer to increasing carbon capture markets. The plant will produce clean base-load energy and support increased renewable power generation. The ccusWOIMA® supports the two different approaches to carbon capture: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), and Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU). The ccusWOIMA® solution is a stand-alone system and it combines seamlessly ...
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The modular wasteWOIMA® power plant information for investors

The whole world is struggling to cope both with its growing demand of "green" base-load energy and worsening waste management challenges. A waste-to-energy power plant seems an obvious answer, but committing to a $200 million and seven-year project to build a large-scale WtE power plant in a demanding environment is not very appealing. WOIMA is introducing its ground-breaking new solution to solve this challenge: the modular wasteWOIMA® power plant. It is a pre-engineered and pref...
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