Disposing Medical Waste Safely – The WOIMA Approach

Combusting Medical Waste for Energy Medical waste is a major issue in the healthcare industry. It is estimated that more than 50 million tons of medical waste is generated annually, most of which is non-hazardous, such as syringes, bandages, and packaging. However, some medical waste is hazardous, such as needles and other sharps, laboratory chemicals, and medical equipment contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Disposing of medical waste properly is essential to protect...
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EU and WOIMA ‘Fit for 55’

New Deal on Emission Trading System and Social Climate Fund The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a carbon market based on a system of cap-and-trade of emission allowances for energy-intensive industries and the power generation sector. It is EU's main tool in addressing emissions reductions, covering about 40% of the EU's total CO2 emissions. The Council and Parliament have agreed to increase the overall ambition of carbon emission reductions in the sectors co...
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