Voluntary Carbon Offsetting – a Winning Proposition or a Cash Cow?

Voluntary Carbon Offsetting - a Winning Proposition or a Cash Cow? Voluntary carbon offsetting is becoming a popular way for individuals and businesses to take responsibility for their emissions and contribute to a greener future. By paying for carbon offsets, individuals and businesses can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere and help to fight climate change. Offsetting one’s carbon emissions can be a simple and cost-effective way to make a real i...
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World’s largest landfills as a source for landfill mining – Case Bantar Gebang in Jakarta, Indonesia

Generating Power using the 112 ha of Previously Landfilled Waste The capital of Indonesia, the megacity of Jakarta, is inhabited by over 35 million people in the metropolitan area and it balances precariously on the edge of a waste crisis. Jakarta produces well over 15,000 tons of waste daily, and most of it is sent to Bantar Gebang, a landfill south-east of Jakarta in the Bekasi district. It started operating...
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Mathias Storbacka joins WOIMA as a Process Engineer

We are happy to announce that Mathias Storbacka has joined WOIMAteam. Mathias joined the team as a Process Engineer and started his WOIMA journey in the beginning of August. [caption id="attachment_9245" align="alignright" width="300"] Mathias Storbacka – WOIMA Process Engineer[/caption] As a Process Engi...
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