All the wasteWOIMA® power plant flexibilities and adaptabilities fully comply with and promote the Circular Economy Principles
1. Use Waste as a Resource by utilizing waste streams as a source of secondary resources and recovering waste for reuse and recycling
2. Rethink the Business Model by considering opportunities to create greater value and aligning inc...
The modular, pre-engineered and pre-fabricated wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plant is WOIMA’s answer to mitigating waste-induced challenges and offering base-load power generation capacity using locally abundantly available fuel, i.e. waste. Combined with other circular e...
Los residuos en cualquiera de sus formas ya sean municipales, industriales, comerciales o agrícolas, son uno de los factores que más afectan nuestras vidas y entorno hoy en día. La personas y sociedades están sufriendo de los efectos dañinos de los residuos debido a insuficientes regulaciones, procesos, recursos e inversión en el manejo de residuos. Verter los residuos a nuestro hábitat natural y océanos está amenazando la supervivencia de las personas, que a cambio causa inmensos probl...
Waste in all its forms, whether municipal, industrial, commercial or agricultural, is one of the most flagrant factors affecting our lives and environment today. People and societies are suffering the ill effects of waste because of insufficient regulation, processes, resources and investments in waste management.
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® de mediana escala permite a los inversionistas, empresas de manejo de residuos y energéticas expandir sus negocios rápidamente y con un riesgo mínimo. Las plantas estandarizadas pueden estar instaladas y operando 15 meses después de la orden. La ganancia de esta inversión inicial puede después ser usada para financiar las siguientes plantas, cuando aumente el volumen de los residuos a ser tratados y/o cuando suba la demanda de producto...
The medium-scale wasteWOIMA® power plant enables investors, waste management companies and power utilities to expand their businesses fast and with minimal risk. The standardized state-of-the-art plant can be
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® es una solución e inversión de pequeña escala en comparación con las plantas de transformación de residuos tradicionales. Los proyectos son fáciles y rápidos de desarrollar, y se alcanzan la etapa rentable relativamente pronto, a veces hasta en menos de un año. Junto con los 12 a 15 meses de periodo de construcción, la planta es...
The wasteWOIMA® power plant is a small-scale solution, and investment, compared to the traditional centralized waste-to-energy plants. The projects are easy and fast to develop and reach bankable stage relatively quickly, even under one year. Combined with the 12-to-15-month co...
Santiago, also known as Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile as well as one of the largest cities in the Americas. It is the center of Chile's largest and most densely populated conurbation, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, whose total population is over 7 million. The city is entirely located in the country's central valley. Most of the city lies between 500 m and 650 m above mean sea level. Founded in 1541 by the Spanish conqueror Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago has been th...
WOIMA’s Disruptive Business Model is Changing the Waste-to-Value Market Forever
Disruptive business model disturbs the market by addressing the repressed demands ignored by the leading suppliers and manufacturers in the industry. It provides solutions which the current industry has failed in or is incompetent to deliver. The key in this business model is