In most locations there are seasonal and daily variations in the ambient conditions, such as temperature and humidity. In some cases, these can be extreme varying dozens of degrees centigrade or percentage points. The wasteWOIMA® power plant adapts automatically to changes in the operating environment.
Il paesaggio culturale della Serra de Tramuntana situato su una catena montuosa a strapiombo parallela alla costa nord-occidentale dell'isola di Maiorca. Millenni di agricoltura in un ambiente con scarse risorse hanno trasformato il terreno e presenta una rete articolata di dispositivi per la gestione dell'acqua che ruotano attorno a unità agricole di origine feudale. Il paesaggio è caratterizzato da terrazze agricole e opere idriche interconnesse - compresi mulini ad acqua - nonché da costru...
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® tiene dos objetivos principales; uno, incinerar residuos para reducir su impacto ambiental y social, y dos, generar energía para la población e industria local. La planta puede generar distintos productos energéticos simultáneamente como una planta de cogeneración (CHP). Incluyendo vapor saturado o sobrecalentado, energía térmica (calefacción y/o enfriamiento) y electricidad. También puede ser configurada para enfocarse en la genera...
The wasteWOIMA® power plant has two main purposes; one, to incinerate the waste streams to reduce their environmental and social impact, and two, generate power for the local industries and population. The plant c...
The Seychelles is an archipelago nation with an estimated population of 92,000. Its 115 islands are located 1,500 kilometers off the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. It spreads over an area of 1.4 million square kilometers. Due to its geographical, economic, and social characteristics, the Seychelles is characterized as part of the 51 small island developing states (SIDS). It has the smallest population of any sovereign African country. Other nearby island countries and territories i...
Waste-to-energy (W2E) or Energy-from-waste (EfW) is probably the world's least discussed form of sustainable power generation – attracting much less attention than wind, solar, hydro, geothermal or even tidal energy. Yet the quiet success of W2E projects in Europe has not escaped the notice of ambitious investors who believe ...
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® se diseñó originalmente acorde a los estándares europeos EN. También el control de emisiones se atiene a la directiva de la Unión Europea UE 2010/75/EC. Sin embargo, el diseño puede migrarse fácilmente al estándar americano ASME y el control de emisiones se puede adaptar a las regulaciones americanas EPA, u otras locales que prefiera el cliente. En caso de requerirse una planta con diseño basado en por ejemplo, estándares japoneses (JIS) o australiano...
The wasteWOIMA® power plant has been originally designed according to the European EN standards. Also, the emission control follows the European Union directive EU 2010/75/EC. However, the design can be easily migrated to American ASME and the emission control to comply with the American EPA regula...
WOIMA’s Disruptive Business Model is Changing the Waste-to-Value Market Forever
Disruptive business model disturbs the market by addressing the repressed demands ignored by the leading suppliers and manufacturers in the industry. It provides solutions which the current industry has failed in or is incompetent to deliver. The key in this business model is
La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® consiste en tres categorías de productos (WOIMAline®, comunes y auxiliares) basados en su importancia relativa al proceso de generación de energía. La WOIMAline (tren motriz) es nuestro propio diseño y por lo tanto siempre será entregado por WOIMA. Sin embargo, los equipos y materiales comunes y auxiliares contienen principalmente elementos que fácilmente pueden ser comprados o manufacturados por el client...