Santiago, also known as Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile as well as one of the largest cities in the Americas. It is the center of Chile's largest and most densely populated conurbation, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, whose total population is over 7 million. The city is entirely located in the country's central valley. Most of the city lies between 500 m and 650 m above mean sea level. Founded in 1541 by the Spanish conqueror Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago has been th...
WOIMA’s Disruptive Business Model is Changing the Waste-to-Value Market Forever
Disruptive business model disturbs the market by addressing the repressed demands ignored by the leading suppliers and manufacturers in the industry. It provides solutions which the current industry has failed in or is incompetent to deliver. The key in this business model is
Clean Energy Hidden in Waste
Landfills and dumpsites around the world are filling up. In 2018, humanity generated over 2.5 billion tons of municipal solid waste. In the next 30 years, that figure is expected to grow to over 4 billion.
Una de las flexibilidades clave que la planta de energía wasteWOIMA® ofrece es el potencial de descentralización. Procesar y reciclar los residuos y energía cerca de donde fueron generados debe ser siempre el método preferido. Esto reduce el transporte innecesario desde los puntos de recolección hasta las plantas de energía o vertederos. También minimiza la huella...
One of the key flexibilities that the wasteWOIMA® power plant offers is decentralization potential. Processing and recycling the waste, also to energy, close to where it has been generated should always be the preferred method. This cuts down on the unnecessary waste
Hello – this is Anni. In June, I told about my summer project I am doing at WOIMA Corporation regarding their Ecosystem solutions and waste-to-value offering. Now the project is completed, and I want to share with you some interesting matters I lear...
Press release
Fortum eNext and WOIMA Finland Oy, the developer and supplier of the innovative wasteWOIMA® waste-to-energy power plants, have signed a collaboration agreement for the development and delivery of WOIMA projects and Operation and Maintenance services in selected markets and customers. The focus of the cooperation lies in the integration of Fortum’s know-how in recycling and waste-to-energy field and experience in the global power pla...
Hello - I am Anni and I am doing my project research study to WOIMA. I have had an opportunity to get to an interesting summer project related to my Bioeconomy Engineering studies for the WOIMA Corporation regarding their Ecosystem solutions and waste-to-value offering. I do research on the Ecosystem feedstock side streams which is very interesting but also complex and challenging.
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La planta de energía wasteWOIMA® se estandarizó y predefinió para que todo el material de apoyo del desarrollo del proyecto se encuentre disponible en todo momento para los desarrolladores e involucrados en el proyecto. Esto aplica de forma similar a los materiales financieros, comerciales, técnicos y de impacto medioambiental. Cálculos de la rentabilidad e información del consumo de químicos también están disponibles con solo dar clic en un botón. Las plantas más...
The wasteWOIMA® power plant has been pre-defined and standardized to a point, where all the project development support material is readily available to developers and other project stakeholders. This applies similarly to the financial, commercial, technical and environmental impact materials. Prof...