Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Cost-based Risk Contingency Reduction

Uncertainty is one thing all projects have in common. Much of this is caused by design and cost calculation challenges in one-off projects. The pre-engineered and prefabricated wasteWOIMA® WtE plant is built in high-quality workshop conditions into modules that are fast and cost-efficient to assemble on site reducing the project risk significantly. Since the design is standardized, so are...
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Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Quantity-based Risk Contingency Reduction

Uncertainty is one thing all projects have in common. Much of this is caused by design and cost calculation challenges in one-off projects. The pre-engineered and prefabricated wasteWOIMA® WtE plant is built in high-quality workshop conditions into modules that are fast and cost-efficient to assemble on site reducing the project risk significantly. Since the design is standardized, so are all the material lists. Companies manage this uncertainty b...
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Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Quality-based Risk Contingency Reduction

Quality-based Risk Contingency Reduction Uncertainty is one thing all projects have in common. Much of this is caused by the unknown circumstances of on-site work. The pre-engineered and prefabricated wasteWOIMA® WtE plant is built in high-quality workshop conditions into modules that are fast and cost-efficient to assemble on site reducing the project risk significantly. Companies manage this uncertainty by including contingencies in their proj...
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Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Commissioning and Trial Run Phase

Simple and fast on-site commissioning and trial run phase is one of the key factors enabling the delivery of the wasteWOIMA® WtE plant practically anywhere in the world. The plant modules have already been pre-commissioned at the workshop and similar to all other plant delivery phases, the commissioning workflow has been optimized for speedy service.
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Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Plant Construction Phase

Erection and installation of the WtE power plant equipment and materials, especially in remote locations, can be a time- and money-consuming exercise. These construction challenges have been addressed in the WOIMAdesign to ensure that the plant can be made available to anyone anywhere. Constructability is one of the key features of the flexible wasteWOIMA® WtE power plant.
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Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits – Low Boiler Height

Monetizing wasteWOIMA® Benefits - Low Boiler Height  The key part of the robust wasteWOIMA® WtE power plant is the horizontal boiler, which not only is more accepting to difficult waste fuels than other boiler types, but also saves costs. Together with the conservative steam ...
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