Producing Power using the 201 ha of Previously Landfilled Waste
Estrutural landfill in Brasília is the largest landfill in Brazil and, in fact, all of South America. Located around 20 km from the heart of the Brazilian national government, Estrutural is next to one of the most important environmental preservation areas of the Cerrado biome, the National Park of Brasilia. It was opened in the 1960s and finally closed in 2018 when it occupied 201 hectares, the equivalent of about 280 fo...
Why a Standardized Small-Scale Solution is an Ideal Fit? - WOIMA Blog 3/2023
The EPCM delivery model is an effective way of delivering waste-to-energy (WtE) power plants. By utilizing a combination of engineering, procurement, and construction management services, the EPCM delivery model offers an efficient and cost-effective solution to the WtE sector. It enables a quicker implementation, improved quality control, and greater flexibility within the project. Standardized small-...
Producing Power using Previously Landfilled Waste
Landfilling has historically been the most common method of disposing of solid wastes, but as these landfills fill up and the need for local energy sources rises, there is an increasing interest in a practice known as landfill mining. This involves excavating waste from an old landfill and processing it to recover materials and energy.
The benefits of landfill mining include reducing the need for new landfills, reducing greenhouse ga...
Press release
Espoo/Vaasa, Finland
Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW) has taken a further step in bringing modularized Hot Potassium Carbonate carbon capture plants to market. SFW has signed an agreement with WOIMA Finland Oy (WOIMA), extending the cooperation of the companies to carbon-neutral and even carbon-negative energy solutions worldwide.
SFW has obtained the small-scale modular plant design developed by WOIMA for post combustion carbon capture. The c...
Small Carbon Footprint Power Generation by WOIMA - WOIMA Blog 2/2023
Carbon neutral is a term that refers to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions to zero or to a level that is balanced by activities that absorb carbon dioxide, such as reforestation. Net zero refers to a situation where the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed. This means that all emissions are either offset or reduced to zero.
Combusting Medical Waste for Energy
Medical waste is a major issue in the healthcare industry. It is estimated that more than 50 million tons of medical waste is generated annually, most of which is non-hazardous, such as syringes, bandages, and packaging. However, some medical waste is hazardous, such as needles and other sharps, laboratory chemicals, and medical equipment contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Disposing of medical waste properly is essential to protect...
New Deal on Emission Trading System and Social Climate Fund
The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a carbon market based on a system of cap-and-trade of emission allowances for energy-intensive industries and the power generation sector. It is EU's main tool in addressing emissions reductions, covering about 40% of the EU's total CO2 emissions. The Council and Parliament have agreed to increase the overall ambition of carbon emission reductions in the sectors co...
Modular Plant Design by WOIMA
Plant design has traditionally been the cash cow for engineering companies. Each plant has been designed as “fit-for-purpose” with little regard to existing plant parameters and designs. This has ensured continuous and highly profitable cash flow performing all the engineering disciplines; process, mechanical, electrical and automation. And over-staffing the project development and delivery phases at customer’s expense. WOIMA is challenging this outd...
Adopting the Framework of High-quality Carbon Removal
The European Green Deal is the EU's long-term growth strategy to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050. The target is to achieve a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and removals by 2050, and negative emissions thereafter. It also includes an ambitious 2030 climate target of at least 55% reductio...
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a highly heterogenous fuel that sets technical limitations to its incineration process. The combination of high temperature and pressure with harmful waste compounds can cause corrosion and thus render the power plant obsolete. On the other hand, lower temperature and pressure limit the power plant's power generation capacity. This limitation can be overcome with the help of an external superheater utilizing liquid or gaseous support fuels to enhance the power plan...