WOIMA Blog 12/2018
Déchets en chiffres 1/2
Aujourd'hui, les déchets sous toutes leurs formes font partie intégrante de notre quotidien. Nous le générons, nous le jetons, nous le voyons polluer notre environnement et nous l’humanité subissent les conséquences. Mais rarement nous arrêtons-nous pour penser à l’ampleur du problème ? Voici quelques faits.
Many Eastern African countries have alarming waste problems in their hands. There are different factors that contribute to the problem. In these countries waste is stored at waste transfer stations that are not managed at all. For this reason, waste piles up on the streets and in the vicinity of people's homes. Huge amounts of waste is also burned uncontrollably.
Many cities...
WOIMA has new open position fo...
Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia with a population of close to 250 million spread over a chain of 17,000 islands and almost 2,000,000 square kilometers. The vast equatorial archipelago extends over 5,000 kilometers east to west, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (Indones...
La Basura en Números
Hoy, la basura en sus distintas formas es parte clave de nuestra vida diaria. Nosotros la generamos, la tiramos, vemos cómo contamina nuestro ambiente y nosotros mismos sufrimos las consecuencias de esta. Pero rara vez nos detenemos a pensar en la magnitud del problema. A continuación, presentamos algunos datos.
En el 2016, el mundo generó cerca de 2.5 billones de toneladas de residuos sólidos urbanos (basura de hogares y comercios). Eso equivale a 740 gram...
WOIMA Blog 1/2019
Waste in Numbers 2/2
In 2016 consultants at McKinsey calculated that open burning, dumping or discharging one ton of rubbish into waterways cost south Asian economies $375 through pollution and disease, against $50-100 required for basic systems to dispose of that same ton properly.
The best solution is better rubbish collection in Asia. ...
WOIMA Blog 12/2018
Waste in Numbers 1/2
Today, waste in its various forms is a key part of our everyday life. We generate it, we throw it away, we see it polluting our environment and we, the mankind, suffer the consequences of it. But seldom do we stop to think about the magnitude of the problem. Here are a few facts.
In 2016 the world generated close to 2.5 b...
Woima Blog Novembre/2018
La Valorisation Energetique – L’energie Renouvelable La Plus Abordable
Actuellement, les sociétés font face à un défi de taille avec l’accroissement significatif des gisements d’ordures ménagères (OM).
L’accumulation des déchets a causé toute une série de problèmes environnementaux, comme l...
Gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (OSS) sono un invito all'azione di tutti i paesi – poveri, ricchi e a medio reddito – per promuovere la prosperità proteggendo al contempo il pianeta. Ricono...