Inquinamento che minaccia i siti del patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO – Introduzione

L'eredità è il nostro retaggio del passato, ciò con cui viviamo oggi e ciò che trasmetteremo alle generazioni future. Il nostro patrimonio culturale e naturale è sia una fonte insostituibile di vita che di ispirazione. Sono le nostre pietre miliari, i nostri punti di riferimento, la nostra identità. Ciò che rende eccezionale il concetto di patrimonio mondiale è la sua applicazione universale. I siti del patrimonio mondiale appartengono a tutti i popoli del mondo, indipendentemente dal te...
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Cuando la contaminación amenaza a los Patrimonios de la Humanidad UNESCO – Introducción

Los patrimonios son el legado de nuestro pasado, con el que vivimos hoy y heredamos a futuras generaciones. Nuestros patrimonios culturales y naturales son fuentes de vida e inspiración irremplazables. Son nuestros pilares, nuestros puntos de referencia, nuestra identidad. Lo que hace excepcional al concepto de Patrimonio de la Humanidad es su aplicación universal. Los Patrimonios de la Humanidad pertenecen a todas las personas del mundo, sin importar el territorio en el que estén ubicados. ...
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Pollution menaçant les sites du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO – Introduction

Le patrimoine est notre héritage du passé, avec lequel nous vivons aujourd'hui et que nous transmettons aux générations futures. Notre patrimoine culturel et naturel est à la fois une source de vie et d’inspiration irremplaçable. Ce sont nos pierres de touche, nos points de référence, notre identité. Ce qui rend le concept de patrimoine mondial exceptionnel, c’est son application universelle. Les sites du patrimoine mondial appartiennent à tous les peuples du monde, quel que soit l...
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Pollution Threatening UNESCO World Heritage Sites – Introduction

Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. They are our touchstones, our points of reference, our identity. What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application. World Heritage sites belong to...
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Investing for Impact – Strategic Intent

Operating Principles for Impact Management (the Principles) describe the essential features of managing investment funds with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social, economic, or environmental impact, alongside financial returns.
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Ahogándonos en basura – Caso Lima, Perú

Lima es la ciudad más grande y capital de Perú. Está ubicada en los valles de los ríos Chillón, Rímac y Lurín, en la costa central del país que apunta al Océano Pacífico. Junto con el puerto de Callao, forma un área urbana contigua conocida como Lima Metropolitana. Con una población de más de 10 millones, Lima es el área metropolitana más poblada en Perú y la tercera más poblada en América después de São Paulo y Ciuda...
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Drowning in Waste – Case Lima, Peru

Lima is the capital and the largest city of Peru. It is located in the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers, in the central coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Together with the seaport of Callao, it forms a contiguous urban area known as the Lima Metropolitan Area. With a population of more than 10 million, Lima is the most populous metropolitan area in Peru and the third largest city
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Drowning in Waste – Case Ukraine

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev with three million people. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religions in the country are Eastern Orthodoxy and Greek Catholicism. Ukraine has an area of just under 600,000 km2, making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest countr...
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Investing for Impact – Introduction

All investments have consequences – not just for individual investors, but also for whole communities and for the economy at large. In addition to creating financial returns for the investor, investments can create jobs and expand the provision of goods and services. They may also have positive and negative effects on society and the environment. Investors increasingly recognize the need to a...
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В России создается единый оператор в сфере управления твердыми коммунальными отходами

В России создается единый оператор в сфере управления твердыми коммунальными отходами Single operator in the field of municipal waste management is being created in Russia Президент России Владимир Путин подписал указ "О создании публично-правовой компании по формированию комплексной с...
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