WOIMA Blog March/2019 – Exploiter la puissance impressionnante des déchets enfouis

WOIMA Blog 3/2019 Exploiter la puissance impressionnante des déchets enfouis Dans le monde entier, les taux de production de déchets augmentent rapidement. En 2018, plus de trois milliards de tonnes de déchets solides municipaux ont été générées, ce qui correspond à une empreinte de 0,54 kg par personne et par jour. Avec la croissance démographique rapide et l'urbanisation, la production annuelle de déchets dev...
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WOIMA Blog March/2019 – Harnessing the Awesome Power of Landfilled Waste

WOIMA Blog 3/2019 Harnessing the Awesome Power of Landfilled Waste Around the world, waste generation rates are rising rapidly. In 2018, over three billion tons of municipal solid waste was generated, amounting to a footprint of 0.54 kilograms per person per day. With rapid population growth and urbanization, annual waste generation is expected to increase by 70% from 2018 levels to over five billion to...
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WOIMA Corporation waste-to-energy solutions brochure

WOIMA Corporation waste-to-energy solutions company brochure WOIMA will challenge the current waste management and power generation practices by designing and delivering innovative state-of-the art waste-to-energy solutions that will transform those business segments forever. WOIMA will fulfill the developing countries' quest for renewable energy and revolutionize both the waste-to-energy solutions and the method...
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Open Thesis works from WOIMA

WOIMA CALLS THE BRIGHTEST MINDS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS WITH US - THESIS WORKS UPDATE   WOIMA has many open positions for THESIS works both for Master and Bachelor level students. We offer Thesis...
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Cuando la contaminación amenaza a los Patrimonios de la Humanidad UNESCO – Caso Sierra de Tramontana, España

El paisaje cultural de la Sierra de Tramontana se ubica en un rango montañoso paralelo a la costa noroeste de la isla de Mallorca. La agricultura milenaria en un ambiente con escasos recursos ha transformado el terreno y muestra una red articulada de artefactos para el manejo del agua que giran en torno a las unidades agrícolas de origen feudal. El paisaje está mercado por terrazas agrícolas y obras hidráulicas interconectadas – incluyendo molinos de agua – así como construcciones y gr...
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Pollution Threatening UNESCO World Heritage Sites – Case Serra de Tramuntana, Spain

The Cultural Landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana located on a sheer-sided mountain range parallel to the north-western coast of the island of Mallorca. Millennia of agriculture in an environment with scarce resources has transformed the terrain and displays an articulated network of devices for the management of water revolving around farming units of feudal origins. The landscape is marked by agricultural terraces and inter-connected water works - including water mills - as well as dry stone c...
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Investing for Impact – Portfolio Management

Operating Principles for Impact Management (the Principles) describe the essential features of managing investment funds with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social, economic, or environmental impact, alongside financial returns. This goes beyond asset selection that aligns investment portfolios with impact goals (for example, the SDGs), to requiring a robust investment thesis of how the investment contributes to the achievement of impact. Portfolio management aims at monitoring ...
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Drowning in Waste – Case Bangladesh

Bangladesh ("The country of Bengal"), officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia between India and Myanmar. It is the world's eighth most populous country with 170 million people on a land area of 148,000 km2. Its capital and largest city is Dhaka with 19 million people in the Greater Dhaka Area, followed by Chittagong, which has the country's largest port. Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal Delta, the largest delta on Earth. The country has ...
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Le Bangladesh ("le pays du Bengale"), officiellement République populaire du Bangladesh, est un pays d'Asie du Sud situé entre l'Inde et le Myanmar. C'est le huitième pays le plus peuplé du monde avec 170 millions d'habitants sur une superficie de 148 000 km2. Sa capitale et sa plus grande ville, Dhaka, compte 19 millions d'habitants dans l'agglomération de Dhaka, suivies de Chittagong, qui possède le plus grand port du pays. La majeure partie du Bangladesh est couverte par le d...
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Accra est la capitale et la plus grande ville du Ghana. Elle couvre une superficie de 225 km2 et compte environ 4 millions d'habitants dans l'agglomération métropolitaine du Grand Accra (GAMA), ce qui en fait la onzième plus grande région métropolitaine d'Afrique. Formé à partir de la fusion de colonies distinctes autour du Fort britannique, du Fort James dutch Crêvecoeur (Fort Ussher) et du fort Danois, Christiansborg respectivement comme Jamestown, Usshertown et Christiansbo...
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